Why should I use Spell Checker?
We are prone to making spelling errors when we write, and in order to remove these writing errors, we must use a spell check tool to correct spelling. We must proofread the document before submitting or using it anywhere.
Spelling mistakes should be avoided when writing, whether it is an e-mail, post, resume, an official document or job application. Online spell check tool can be used to identify and correct all the mistakes. Most of the computer applications and programs have a built-in spelling and grammar check feature that handles text, such as Microsoft Office as well as web browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome.
English spell check websites and tools will check every word of what you type or submit against a database that it maintains. If the word is found to be incorrect, it will flag the word and suggest corrections.
English is the most popular and widely used language for official and personal communication across the computer world. Many commonly used words may sound the same in English, but their meaning and spelling can differ. It must be considered that even built-in spelling checkers or online spelling checkers can overlook subtle spelling errors. Recipients of your documents or write-ups containing mistakes tend to think that you are either careless or you don’t know how to write correctly.
However, if the application you are using does not have a correct spelling feature or if you are in a rush then don’t worry, you can use SpellChecker.me. Once you have finished writing, copy and paste the text into the text box of the tool. In a single click, it will highlight all spelling errors present in the text, which you can correct. After the spell check, you can be sure that your writing is now error free.